Learning portfolio and single sign-on

01 e-Teacher: Portflio, a learning portfolio site using Mahara, is now available.

The following sites are linked together in a single sign-on relationship.

01 e-Teacher: Moodle Network
01 e-Teacher: Moodle2 Network
LC Moodle

01 Learning Portfolio
01 e-Teacher: Portfolio
01 e-Teacher Portfolio4

PM Gijuku

By single signing on to moodle from this site, you will also be able to work with the Learning Portfolio site. Registration is free. Your Gmail account will also be authenticated.

The 9th BBCOACH PROJECT individual registration deadline is now!

The 2011 Ninth BBCoach Project individual application deadline is coming up!

As the end of the year approaches, the deadline for individual applications for the 2011 BBCoach Project (4th grade to high school students) is fast approaching.
Until midnight on December 31, 2011!

As long as the data can be published on our website, we can challenge you to create a game, a full-fledged website, or a video.
However, they must participate as a team.
You will also be asked to keep a record of your team’s communication during the production process on SNS.
It provides an excellent learning environment where you can experience the basic tasks of project management without even knowing it.
Parents and school teachers are welcome to join in as coaches!
Members of the general public can also experience a learning coach.

The project is organized by Roundtable.com (Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo), a provider of virtual school learning environments (English learning portal sites and free virtual learning spaces) that support students in obtaining U.S. high school diplomas in Japan.

Implemented since FY 2003. This is the ninth annual Webb contest.
A free community of junior creators and the learning coaches, businesses and community members who support them.
Participation is free. Evaluation points are higher for teams of different ages, remote team structures, and teams that are able to work together with an awareness of project management.
We hope you will join us.
Another mash-up presentation will be held at the end of March 2012.
Click here for details.

We have started to receive letters from people who have experienced contests and have succeeded in getting into difficult universities!