Video production workshops are popular!

On Saturday, June 21, 2014, a video production workshop was held at Abiko Nikaido High School.

PBL through School Publicity Video Production, Part 2: Video Production Course

Students will experience video production as a part of PBL.

Original curriculum plan: Katsumi Takahashi
Curriculum production: Tomio Yanagisawa
Lecture: Tomio Yanagisawa
Lecture Assistant: Koji Uemura, Cooperation: Giga Vision, Junji Sakurai

00 Review of the project
01 Learn that there is a meaning to video and that there is a way to convey it easily
0101 Searching for a frame
0102 Visual Expression of Emotions
02 Learning the structure of a story (Momotaro’s story structure mapping)
0201 Making a story that goes and then returns
03 Learn the basics of video technology (making PM documents and making trailers using iMovie)
0301 Making a Trailer Movie The workshop was full of contents, but the teachers participated in the workshop, and we could see that the participants’ motivation improved. In the future, we plan to provide a learning coaching service using SNS and keep a record of the project.

We received a request for an additional course for students who were unable to attend during the summer vacation.

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