Category Archives: NEWS

We are training learning coaches.


[Learning Coach Pro]

01 Virtual Public School trains “learning coaches”. Since 1999, we have been training “learning coaches” who are active in various fields. It is a project that conveys the essence of a learning coach, which is different from business coaching. We cultivate hands-on learning coaches who communicate with real learners, not just desk-based learning.


First License

Those who have attended the prescribed training and earned a certificate of completion. You will learn the basic stance of a learning coach.

Research fee: 10,000 yen

Training period: 8 days (6 days are online training)


Proficiency License

First licensees who have taken the course after one or more years of learning coaching experience and have earned a certificate. You will be asked to share examples of learning coaches in action.

Research fee: 10,000 yen

Training period: 8 days (6 days are online training)


Master License

This license is issued to those who have earned a Proficiency License, have at least three years of work experience, and have published their official academic achievements.

License issuance fee: 10,000 yen

You will be asked to submit the necessary documents.


The “BBCoach Project” is looking for an experiential learning coach. Qualifications are high school and above.


01 e-coach, a virtual English cram school, is looking for a learning coach with a First license or higher.


The ’01 Virtual Public School’ diploma course is looking for a learning coach with Proficiency or above.

For more information, please contact us.

Any time, any place, any person, any tool.

ICT is a technology, but technology brings people together.

What kind of learning will we continue to do in an environment free from the constraints of time and place? I hope to always be one step ahead and move forward with you.

We provide the above environment for “learners”, but we also free up space for “learning coaches” to work. We hope to continue to provide new workplaces for those who, for whatever reason, have not been able to play an active role in the past.

Learning Coach (Master Certificate)


Tomio Yanagisawa

Workshop Seminar & Christmas Party: “Introduction to Learning Coaching in the BBCOACH Way

Message (Seminar Outline)

Against the backdrop of globalization and the sophistication of ICT, Japan’s educational programs will be required to cultivate “21st century skills” that directly link “basic skills” and “thinking skills” to “living skills” (ability to work autonomously, ability to form human relationships, ability to participate in society and responsibility for a sustainable future).

However, without the existence of “learning coaches” who bring out the qualities and abilities of children through PBL, it is actually impossible to lead PBL to success.

Since 2003, the BBCoach Project, which organizes web contests for elementary and secondary school students, has been working together for 10 years with a number of “learning coaches” to create projects that tap into children’s creativity, guide them on their journey of exploration, and bring a smile to each and every one of them.

Come and experience the endless possibilities of the “BBCoach Method of Learning Coach”.


<To teachers who conduct PBL with children in elementary, junior high and high school classes and club activities

<To everyone who wants to learn the BBCoach method of learning coaching and become active in society

<Fathers and mothers who are serious about their children’s education.

<Workers and students who are interested in the future of education and culture in Japan

Day: 21 December (earth)

15:00- Workshop Seminar

18:00- Christmas Party (light meal & 1 drink included)

Location: kaffir-mulphy

Participation fee: 5,000yen for a social worker, 3,000yen for a college student, and 1,000yen for a university student

(Workers 2000 yen, college students 1000 yen, high school students and below 500 yen)

<Introduction of speakers

Lecturer: Mr. Tomio Yanagisawa (President, Round Table Com, Inc.)

Graduated from the Faculty of Letters, Keio University, majoring in English and American Literature.

U.S. Learning Success Coach Certification holder (1999-)

University lecturer (Kanto Gakuin University, Ferris Jogakuin University, etc.)

○ Profile details:

Workshop Facilitator: Mr. Koji Uemura (Regional and Local Government Organization of Japan)


Saturday, December 21, 2013, “The BBCoach Way: How to Coach Your Learning



Affiliation (social/undergraduate/university students).

Type of participation (workshop only/party only/participation in both)

Please be sure to fill in your affiliation and form of participation, as there are some preparations to be made.

If you have not yet decided on the form of participation, please let us know by 12/17 (Tue).

Application deadline: 12/17 (Tue.)

If you cancel your application or change your participation form, please contact us by 12/17 (Tue).

Please send your application to the email address below.

Please send bbcoach (at mark) (at mark) with @.

Project Practical Education Handbook Introduction Seminar

We will introduce actual examples of the learning assessment rubric, which is important for practicing PBL, and which has actually been used in universities and middle and high schools.


[Event Information]

Sun: November 30, 2013 (Sat) 13:20~16:30

Venue: Conference Room, Women’s Employment Support Center (3 minutes walk from JR Tamachi Station)


Introduction to the PBL Handbook (Keio Shimizu: PMAI Representative)

introduction of the e-book version of “PBL Handbook” (Junichi Kimura, Fasstep Inc.)

Introduction to the Learning Assessment Rubric (Tomio Yanagisawa, Director of PMAI)

Introduction of “Climbing Mt. Chogatake with PBL” (Tokuo Kusunoki, PMAI Director)

Fee: PMAI regular members, academic members, students: 1,000 yen PMAI supporting members: 2,000 yen General members: 3,000 yen

お問い合わせ:PMAI事務局 info(アットマーク)

Click here to apply.

The 1st Japan PBL Symposium

PMAI President Kazuo Shimizu 
An overview of the history of PBL
Tomio Yanagisawa, Part-time Lecturer, Kanto Gakuin University 
The Necessity of Project Based Learning and its Promotion
Keiichi Nakayama, Professor, Chuo University 
A case study of PBL in Matsuyama Girls’ High School, Saitama
Naomi Mogi, Teacher, Matsuyama Girls’ High School, Saitama 
PBL Practice at Seigakuin High School
Yutaka Ito, Teacher, Shunichi Masubuchi, Student, Seigakuin High School
Introduction of PBL activities in the U.S. (Report on the visit in October 2012)
Takeo Shimizu, Tokuo Kusunoki, PMAI 
Panel discussion
Tomio Yanagisawa, Part-time Lecturer, Kanto Gakuin University 
Seigakuin Junior and Senior High School Teachers Yasukuni Ohno, Kazuya Takahashi, Yutaka Ito
Naomi Mogi, Teacher, Matsuyama Girls’ High School, Saitama
PMI Japan Chapter Education Committee Fumiko Jukkan
PMAI Director Tokuo Kusunoki, Midori Ito
Request from NPOs.

Japan is finally sending out information!

On May 18, 2013, the Project Management Incubation Institute (PMAI) will host the 1st Japan PBL Symposium at Seigakuin Junior and Senior High School in Kita-ku, Tokyo.

Since its establishment in 2009, PMAI has worked with junior high schools, high schools, universities and boards of education to provide project management training and project-based learning recommendations and support. The membership is made up of active project managers and educators who are active in Japan’s leading companies. In 2012, the organization received the Achievement Award from the Kanto Engineering Education Association and the Japan Engineering Education Association.

It will also provide time to think about recent trends in education, including the voices of teachers, students, and students, as well as examples of past practices in the field. In addition, the latest information from the U.S. and other countries will be provided, and discussions will be held with a focus on project practice education.

Participation is free.

Opening day: May 18, 2013 (Earth) 13:30~16:45

Venue: Lecture Hall, Holy College High School (North Tokyo)

Organizer: NPO Project Management Incubation Association


  • Outline of Project Based Learning (PBL) and its approaches
  • an overview of the history of PBL
  • recommendations for the promotion of PBL in Japan from the translation of the PBL Handbook
  • PBL practice report (10 minutes for each school)
    Seigakuin High School
    Matsuyama Joshi High School
  • Introduction of PBL activities in the U.S. (October 2012 inspection report)
    Buck Institute Education (BIE)
    New Technology High School
  • Panel Discussion
    Challenges and Future Developments in PBL Practice with Participation of Junior High and High School Teachers

Thank you for your support for the 10th BBCOACH PROJECT (PROJECT BASED LEARNING WEB CONTEST!).

The results of the assessment are as follows.

BBCoach Grand Prize.
The Boys Who Make Miracles (Web)
Giveaway: Smartphone and iPhone tripods

Japan Media Education Award
The Boys Who Make Miracles (Web)
Giveaway: copyright-free images, e-Learning license accounting support “Bookkeeping Level 3

Project Management Incubation Association Award
Yoshida-gumi” (Web)
Giveaway: calendar (NEC), e-Learning license iPhone application “Project Management Essence” three-session license

Fastest Step Award.
“Cat’s eye” (Web)
Premiums: Miraikan goods, iPhone + Android app development rights (support for making apps for this work)

J-Web School Award
La La La La Lauren Lauren (Web)
Giveaways: memory stick, e-Learning licensed iPhone app “High School Graduate Certification”, essay preparation book

Women’s Team Award.
‘Team Matsujo’ (ebook for iBooks)
Prize: Calendar (NEC)

Coach of the Year Award.
Mr. Hiroaki Irikura
Ms. Kyoko Kimura
Giveaway: a whistle for the coach

Keio Shimizu, President, NPO Project Management Incubation Association
Yoshio Otsuka, Representative Director, Japan Media Education Co.
Representative Director, Soji Ueda, Jutheme Inc.
Junichi Kimura, Solution Development Department, Fastep, Inc.
Kyoko Kaminaga, Teacher, Shibaura Institute of Technology Junior and Senior High School

The 10th BBCOACH PROJECT Second Round of Judging

The BBCoach Project, the Project Based Learning (PBL) web contest, is finally holding its 10th anniversary second round of judging.

This time, with the cooperation of Keio University, we will be using a classroom in Mita.

Participation and viewing are free, so we hope that as many people as possible will be able to attend.

We are pleased to announce the second round of judging for the 10th BBCoach Project.

Date: Saturday, March 30, 2013, 2:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.

Venue: Keio University, 2-15-45 Mita, Minato-ku, Tokyo

History of Project-Based Learning (PBL)

I gave a lecture on the pedagogical transition of PBL and the importance of project management at an integrated junior high and high school that is implementing reforms to reimagine summer school as PBL (Project Based Learning) in order to make summer school a success.

Date: January 21, 2013, 6:30 p.m. – 7:30 p.m.
Place: Seigakuin Junior and Senior High School
Target: Teachers of the above schools

He talked about “Multiple Intelligences,” “Learning Styles,” “Differences from Problem-Based Learning,” “Progress in the U.S.,” and “How it is being used in Japan.

Pedagogical Transition of PBL and Project Management

I gave a lecture on the pedagogical transition of PBL and the importance of project management at an integrated junior high and high school that is implementing reforms to reimagine summer school as PBL (Project Based Learning) in order to make summer school a success.

Date: January 21, 2013, 6:30 p.m. – 7:30 p.m.
Place: Seigakuin Junior and Senior High School
Target: Teachers of the above schools

He talked about “Multiple Intelligences,” “Learning Styles,” “Differences from Problem-Based Learning,” “Progress in the U.S.,” and “How it is being used in Japan.